Cancel Borrow / reserve:

Mobilo with solar panel Blue bucket (5 YEARS AND OVER ONLY)

Blue bucket with lid
1 solar panel
2X3, 4X2, 3x1
3X ramp shapes
2 X chair shapes
1X rectangle X2 holes
1X Ramp shape
1X 3, 1X2
6X flat connectors
1 X triangle
1X cube shape
1X Chair shape1 X square bottom rounded front
14 circles with squares on sides
19 circles with connector sides
6 X 3 sided
1X rectangle
2X cubes1X ramp shape
1X3, 1X2, 1X1
1 chair shape
1 triangle
12 double wheels
4 yellow circle connectors

Fee: NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days

On loan
Condition: A - As new
Code: WGP1404
Serial: WGP1404

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