Sport, Large Motor Skills and Outdoor Resources

Available from [ choose ] - [ choose ]
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Balance Board
Serial: WGP1776
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Cricket Set
Serial: WGP1557
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Vestibular Spin Seat
Serial: WGP1778
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
3 in 1 Soccer, Hockey and Pitchback Goal
Serial: WGP-0347
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Balance Board
Serial: WGP0277
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Balance buckets
Serial: WGP1480
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Balance Stilts
Serial: WGP1516
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Basket ball hoop (large)
Serial: WGP1255
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Basket Ball Hoop and Ball (small)
Serial: WGP-0190
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Big Slide Red
Serial: WGP0661
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Bob the Builder Scoop Tent
Serial: WGP0716 -LB-K003
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Car Tent with tunnel
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Climb & Slide Playhouse
Serial: WGP0639-LB-F004
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Cranium Super Fort
Serial: WGP1131
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Cricket Set
Serial: WGP0335
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Croquet Set
Serial: WGP-0071
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Serial: WGP1259
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Easy Store Slide Yellow
Serial: WGP-LB-F001
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Flybar Trickboard
Serial: WGP1717
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Garden Tools
Serial: WGP1293
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Serial: WGP0458
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Giant Garden Chess
Serial: WGP756
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Serial: WGP1709
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Green small slide
Serial: WGP1391
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Hola Hoop Pink and silver
Serial: WGP1124
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Indoor play tent
Serial: WGP1692
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Joy box climbing frame and rock wall ramp. INSIDE USE ONLY
Serial: WGP1578
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Kinder feets
Serial: WGP1713
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Serial: WGP1260
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Large Easy store Slide (New)
Serial: WGP1251
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Light up Pogo Stick (5 YEARS PLUS)
Serial: WGP1515
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Little Tikes 3 in One
Serial: WGP1039 LB 4
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Little Tikes Bowling Set
Serial: WGP1038-LB
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Little tikes first slide blue with green steps
Serial: WGP1252
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Metal climbing frame green and orange A-frames & blue laddder
Serial: WGP1326
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Metal Climbing frame red A-frame red and black wobbly walker
Serial: WGP1325
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Mini Golf set
Serial: WGP0797 LB012
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
My First Skates
Serial: WGP1036 LB F39
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Pikler Baby Play Climbing frame (Inside use only)
Serial: WGP1517
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Play and Learn Inflatable Ball
Serial: WP-0095
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Play Wooden climbing Frame(inside use only)
Serial: WGP1113
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Playstax slide and blocks
Serial: WGP1565
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Police car Play tent 12-24 months only
Serial: WGP1405
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Pop Up Tent
Serial: WGP1130
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Serial: WGP1257
Available NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Red Bilibo
Serial: WGP1473
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Rocket 3-in-1 Play tent and ball pit
Serial: WGP1608
On loan NZ$ 0.00 per 14 days
Serial: WGP1655
Showing 1 to 50 of 70 items by name | code Go to page: